Saturday, March 7, 2015

What's That Smell

We've all had that drive in the country where you come across THAT smell, yes that skunk smell.  Well, it's a whole different kind of smell when you're close up.  Especially when it find its home in your crawl space, under your house that it right under your closet.  We had the unfortunate experience of being sprayed three times in one week.  Washing clothes, rugs and drapes were my life for that week. 

I ended up finding the hole that Lil Stinker was going through and we covered it. The next day I found fresh dug dirt around. I covered the hole again and it was dug up the next morning.   We could trap or, but county law is once you trap a rodent you must put it down.  Which I don't have a problem with cause he's been a menace to my house and my nose.

One morning, Leila, our pup was going crazy and barking around the pump house. Skater Boy went out with his BB gun and saw it. He started to shoot and thought he killed it.  He then comes running into my room telling me this and of course Skater Boy was sprayed.  We go outside and no skunk.  Later that day, when Babe got home he saw the skunk still by the pump house and he grabbed his shot gun.  The skunk ended up going up the pump between the outer and inner wall, so we didn't get him YET.

Before that Lil stinker went in the pump house I was able to snap a photo.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Face and Body Scrubs

What do I do during my free time a.k a Little Z's nap time?  I make all natural face and body cleansers.  I use coconut oil, essential oils and either sea salt or sugar.